Friday, June 3, 2011

Never let you go one shot. Epilogue.

Epilogue ---------------------------------------------- It was a month and a half later when we found out we were having a baby. Selena and I were so exited that we decorated the nursery the weekend after. It was a cute nursery with purple walls and chocolate wooden furniture. The crib had a soft Elmo (A/N xD) baby blanket and a teddy bear on the inside. We didn't even know if we were having a girl or a boy. Selena wanted to wait to find out what we were having but I wanted to know so badly that we came up with a compromise. So when she was 6 months pregnant we found out we were having a little girl. I was secretly hoping for a girl so I could beat up any boys who mistreated her, and to have a little Selena around. Selena was beside herself she was so happy. Then came the night we were all VERY excited for. Selena was in labor for 16 hours before our little girl decided she was ready to come out. At first when I saw her I thought she was an angel. Sel held her first, and when she offered her to me to hold I got nervous. "Do you think I'll break her?" "Of coarse not Nick, just be really gentle." I remember her soft voice whispering those words. I took the baby from her and sat in the chair next to Selena's bed. I looked down at her face and could feel tears running down my cheeks. "What are we going to name her?" I looked up to Selena who had been unresponsive. "I'm not sure. What do you have in mind?" "Abigail Rose Jonas." "That's a beautiful name." When the nurse came in ...

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