Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Definition of a Wholesale Nursery

A wholesale nursery is where plants are grown and sold for transplanting, for budding, grafting or layering, stocks or for restoration, wetland mitigation or conservation, environmental landscaping or for the beautiful gardens found a
t innumerable homes, businesses, parks and a myriad of other landscapes. Wholesale nurseries produce and distribute everything you need for your projects, such as incredible varieties of trees, shrubs, ferns and shrubs, both flowering and non-flowering, woody or herbaceous perennials, annuals, container plants and ornamental grasses; as well as groundcovers, evergreen conifers, bare root reforestation seedlings, rootstock, native plants and liner stock. A nursery not only supplies all the flowers and greenery that you desire, but also perennial vegetables such as are used in a home garden.

Whether you are a landscaping designer or landscape architect (business) or whether you are a home gardener, (expert or beginner hobbyist), a reputable wholesale nursery can not only provide all your needs while saving you some serious money, but the expert horticulturists can advise you on your growing zone, what grows well together, expert care for your purchases, (whether a product is low maintenance or requires a good deal of care), pest and disease control, soil types, fertilizers, or any other questions you may have, in order to attain your goals and to perfect your dream landscaping project.

Their expertise can help you to avoid many costly mistakes and frustrations, while helping you to save an incredible amount of money, no matter what kind of budget you have. Armed with expert knowledge, you can create and own an attractive landscape design that will not only beautify and increase the value of your property, but will also inspire you to address and remedy any environmental issues that hinder the development of your landscape.
The idea of landscaping causes many people to think it is an expensive undertaking, but the truth is that it can be accomplished with very satisfactory results, no matter what kind of budget you have to work with. It is important to create a good design to avoid making unnecessary and costly mistakes, and wasting your valued time and labor. Friends, neighbors, family and of course, your favorite nursery or garden or landscape supply center can also offer advice, information and creative, economical ideas for your landscaping or garden projects, to assist you in making responsible and prudent choices. It is best to work methodically, doing one section of your project at a time, in order to eliminate any unnecessary work done in the absence of foreknowledge.

In today's society, a wealth of information is available through magazines and books, as well as a treasure chest full of informative articles, forums, blogs etc., found on the internet. There are many reputable wholesale suppliers and nurseries available to serve you, but it is best to find one that is state certified and offers specimen quality stock.
According to the government, all licensed nurseries are to purchase and sell only certified stock. All stock offered for sale must have been inspected and certified free of harmful plant pests within 12 months preceding sale. Under state law, some nurseries are exempt from being certified, if they are classified in certain brackets and that certain criteria are fulfilled. A Certificate of Nursery Inspection is issued to those nurseries that are inspected. Then Nursery Stock is inspected wherever grown and is certified to be free from any injurious plant pests. Stock is 'Certified' to prevent the introduction and/or spread of unwanted graft-transmissible agents (virus, viroids, phytoplasmas and bacterial diseases) via propagation from infected vines or roots. Planting with 'Certified' stock is the best insurance for a healthy and productive garden or landscape.

When you buy from a wholesaler or a wholesale nursery, you can expect plants that suit your landscaping needs; whether they must be drought tolerant or have the ability to grow in wetlands; whether they must withstand frigid temperatures with snow or have the ability to tolerate the heat of southerly places; or whether you require low maintenance or love to work with 'fussier' specie
s. The experts at a wholesale nursery are also knowledgeable about pests and diseases that plague certain species, or which plants have the root system that contributes in controlling soil erosion, reduce water wastage and aid water penetration in the soil.

Bulk buying, weekly specials and discounts, and state certified, quality specimen stock are certainly prime reasons to purchase at a reputable wholesale supply company or wholesale nursery. Be sure to take the step to visiting one soon. You will be glad you did!

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